A Good Woman

Robert always gives everybody
the benefit of the doubt.

I'm sorry, I just don't like gossip.
Gossip's all right, it's the
moralising that's in poor taste.

She's got her eye on me,
if you know what I mean.

So I wouldn't worry about what they
say, it's all cats in a bag.

Why, what do they say about me?
That I'm a wanton woman?
Brazen - with a past.
A brazen woman.
Oh, dear.

You're very brazen yourself
to be seen in my company.

I've got a bit of a past
myself you know.

Married and divorced twice.
Every experience is of value and
whatever you say...

about marriage it certainly
is an experience.

People call something
an experience...

They usually mean
it was a mistake.

I couldn't agree more.
We've all got a couple of
skeletons in the closet.

If they're going to rattle,
they may as well dance.

You're absolutely right.
Whenever anyone agrees with me,
I'm sure I must be wrong.

You like to be the
odd man out, do you?

I'll never understand women.
Women don't want to be understood,
they want to be loved.

You're dead wrong on that.
You're very understanding.
That girl in lilac,
do you know her?

Oh, yes, it's Robert's wife.
All lovey-dovey,
very charming.

I wish she'd stop staring at me.
She isn't at all.
Those women must be
giving her an earful.

- You mustn't mind.
- I don't, as a rule.

Look, it's terribly stuffy in here,
I can hardly breathe.

Shall we go? Would you mind?
I can't think of anything
I'd mind less.

I can't believe it - she's got him!
Poor Tuppy.
