Shall I get a taxi?
- Could we walk?
- Why not.
Beautiful city.
The Romans call it
"The Land of the Sirens..."
from Homer's Odyssey.
Is that so? Aren't you clever?
- I read it somewhere.
- I like a good read myself.
Nothing too laborious. I don't want
to tamper with natural ignorance.
- It's the key to happiness.
- Do you really think so?
Absolutely. Good health,
it's important, but...
ignorance is the key. Too much
knowledge and you're doomed.
Well, here we are.
Aren't you going to invite me
in for a nightcap?
The sirens were said to be
half woman, half monster.
They lured the sailors with
their songs.
The ships crashed on the
rocks and the men all drowned.
Oh, let's go in. You can tell me
more about it.
Poor Lady Plymdale, I think she
really likes Tuppy.
- Where do you suppose they went?
- Who?
Tuppy and Mrs Erlynne.
Probably back to her apartment.
Do you think he'll invite
her to my party?
I'll make sure he doesn't.
- Well, don't be mean about it.
- No, of course not.
It's just I don't want anyone
to be uncomfortable, you know?
Someone like that makes
things awkward.
You can say it's a small party.
Private, just friends.
- No investors.
- All right.
It's not just girl gossip. John
Darlington knows all abou it.
He said her friend is
a married man.