Thank you.
- I love you.
- I love you, too.
Oh, my!
- Thank you.
- Don't mention it.
You like it?
Food is the rock...
on which we build.
No love is pure and simple
as the love of food.
Love is rarely pure, Lord Augustus.
And never simple.
I don't think you've been
in love, Mrs Erlynne.
You may presume
to call me Stella...
but don't presume
to know my heart.
For your information,
I'm always in love.
Good. Excellent attitude.
And you're beautiful.
Smart, too. Smarter than me,
I expect, but...
that's not saying much,
I'm afraid.
No, I think I'll do very well
to marry you.
How very practical.
I've begun too many romances
out of sentiment.
They always end in settlement.
I could listen to you all night,
Lord Augustus.
Tuppy, please.
You'll think about my offer?
Men don't marry women like me.
There aren't any women like you.
At least, not among the women
I've met, and I've met my share.
I was married - I didn't take to it.
People change. You might
feel differently.
When I think of it, I think
of a room...
where you can't open a window.
Where there is no window.
Every day you wake up
and the room is smaller.
You don't notice, not at first.
It happens slowly.