Very clever woman.
She threw me out last night.
Knows what a fool I am.
Knows it as well as I do myself.
She's meeting me here
for tea, though.
It's a great thing to come across a
woman who thoroughly understands me.
Would you mind not bringing
her to our party tonight?
That's the favour?
Meg feels it might make
things awkward.
So it's true, then?
I don't believe it.
You don't seem the type.
Though I will say Mrs Erlynne's damn
fascinating. Hard to resist, but...
You're not serious, are you?
I warn you, you'll have to
fight me for her.
And I'm a man in love.
What are you talking about?
This ways, Mrs Erlynne.
- Thanks.
- You're welcome.
- Come with me.
- Where are you taking me?
- Let go of my arm.
- I have to talk to you.
I'm meeting Lord Augustos.
You must leave Amalfi at once.
And go where? You've paid my
rent here for the season.
I'll pay it somewhere else. I want
you on the first plane out tomorrow.
- I don't understand.
- People are talking.
About us.
I don't see the humour.
Bury a real secret and
a false one pops up in its place?
There's a certain irony,
you have to admit.
I'm not ready to leave.
I'm enjoying myself here.
I'm begging you.
Think of Meg. If she knew that
you were her mother...
it would destroy her.
Meg, of the magnificent
Family scandal is unhealthy
for aspiring politicians.
I'm not the only pragmatist
in this room.
Pragmatist? Twenty years,
and not a word.
You turn up when she marries
a man with money.
You call that pragmatism?
I can think of other words.
Are you trying to hurt
my feelings?
Do you have any? That can't
be purchased, I mean.