Did I hear you correctly?
That Meg Windemere is
your daughter?
My daughter?
Robert's wife?
How dare you.
She must be twenty at least.
Her mother?
Do I look as old as all that?
Of course not.
I must have nodded off.
You were dozing.
Go back to sleep.
Come on.
No business tonight.
We can talk another day.
- Good to see you.
- Lovely party.
More champagne.
Have a great party.
- Good evening, Mr Dumby.
- Oh, good evening, Mrs Stutfield.
Last party of the season,
I suppose.
- It's been delightful, hasn't it?
- Quite delightful.
Good evening. Here it is,
the last party of the season.
I suppose so. It's been a very dull
season, though, hasn't it?