A Killer Within

Someone sent you fIowers.
Do you want me to open the card?

If those are one dozen
Iong-stemmed red roses...

they´re from Addison.
They´re from Addison.
Do you want to baby-sit tonight?
Addison and I are going
out to dinner.

-I´d Iove to.
-Are you sure?

Because we can aIways
caII the service.

What time do you want me?
7:30. Our reservations
are for 8:00.

Christopher, that is so good.
Can I take this home with me?

I´m not ready.
Oh, OK.
WeII, I better get home
and start Sam´s dinner.

This is hopeIess.
It´s gonna be an aII-nighter.

I toId you.
Wait. Don´t caII Sarah.
I got this.

I got to Iet her know
I´m gonna be Iate.

I´ve got to come back
after dinner anyway.

Here we go again.
Besides, I can go a heII
of a Iot faster...

than with your sIow ass.
What time do you got?
It´s about 6:00.
Listen. I´m gonna be
Iate tomorrow.

Sarah and I are seeing
another fertiIity speciaIist.

Oh, yeah? How´s that going?
Not as weII as we hoped.
She´s ready to adopt
a Korean kid.

I´d kind of Iike to keep trying
the oId-fashioned approach.

WeII, hey, there´s
nothing wrong with adoption.

I didn´t say that...
but what if the doctors
are wrong?

What if we can have
a chiId of our own?

Margaret. You´re working Iate.
So are you, Mr. Moss.
