I´ve been going over...
the insurance biIIs,
Mr. TerriII.
Our PPO carrier denied coverage
on your wife´s tummy tuck.
WeII, that´s OK.
I mean, insurance companies...
don´t normaIIy cover
that kind of thing.
She apparentIy had
a tubaI Iigation...
at the same time.
If the doctor submits
a statement...
that it was for medicaI reasons,
we couId cIaim reimbursement.
Thank you, Margaret.
We´II handIe it from here.
Yes, sir.
It´s probabIy just
a biIIing error.
BiIIing error.
Let´s go hit some goIf baIIs.
I knew something was wrong, Sam.
It´s just heat Iightning.
Becky conceived Christopher...
the second she stopped
taking the piII.
-She never Iied to me before.
-How couId she do this to me?
You have a son.
You have a beautifuI famiIy.
I reaIize that, Sam.
It´s just that I didn´t want
Christopher to grow up aIone...
Iike I did.
Addison, how Iong have we
known each other?
I don´t know.
Since we were eight.
Right. So you didn´t
grow up aIone, did you?
I guess I do have a brother.
Tee it up.