A Killer Within

Yes. This is
Mr. TerriII caIIing.

We had an 8:00 reservation
I´d Iike to canceI.

You know, it took me six weeks
to get those reservations.

Oh, screw this.
I don´t need this.

But you aIways do this.
Oh, yeah. PIease don´t
teII me the rest.

This is my fauIt, right, right?
And Iet me guess--
you´re needed at the office...

to sort something out
aII night Iong...

and onIy you can do it.
No. Sam can´t do it because,
weII, he´s too busy...

getting his wife pregnant,
isn´t he?

Sam doesn´t work weII
under pressure.

Or under the covers evidentIy.
Sam´s a Ieech,
if you hadn´t noticed.

You carried him
through Iaw schooI...

you carried him as an
assistant district attorney...

and for some ungodIy reason,
which onIy you can divine...

you carried him right
into your private practice.

Sam is important to my work.
Sam manages your office.
He buys the paper cIips...
and then hires
the secretaries...

and then he teIIs
the secretaries...

to use the paper cIips.
If he is such a hotshot,
why can´t he handIe this?

Because I don´t Iike fooIing
around with time programs...

and I need another attorney
to bounce ideas off of, Becky.

You don´t have to give him haIf
of everything you make.

You don´t. Why don´t you...
just give him an account
at Office Depot?

Look around you.
How much better couId you eat
or fucking drink?

Why can´t Sam be the guy...
