A Killer Within

who works Iate
at the office at night?

I pIanned a romantic evening
for the two of us tonight.

This is a big cIient, OK?
This is my big cIient.
I have to do this.

Oh, shut up!
I´ve heard aII this before.

What makes this worse,
it´s not Iike you´re out...

screwing some bimbo.
At Ieast that,
I couId compete with.

I´m not out screwing some bimbo
because I respect...

my marriage vows.
Oh, yeah. That´s right.
Don´t I know it?

You´re Iike the moraIity poIice.
Becky, you know
I cannot toIerate...

Iies and prevarications
in my Iife.

What are you getting at?
I´m taIking about Christopher
being an onIy chiId!

Why wouId you do that without
discussing it with me first?

Because it´s my body.
I´m sorry.
I shouId have toId you.

Hey, Tiger.
What are you doing?
Is Mommy stiII mad?
WeII, you know, that was
Daddy´s fauIt.

Mommy says I´m
a bad boy sometimes.

No. You´re not a bad boy.
And your Mommy Ioves you,
and I Iove you very much.

I´m not finished drawing
my picture of Sarah yet.

WeII, I´II teII you what.
You finish this snack...

and then you can go and work
on that picture of Sarah, OK?

