He´s on his way to the hospitaI.
Sarah´s with him.
I waited for you--Addison!
Christopher TerriII.
He was just brought in.
Room 256, but the desk nurse--
There´s no evidence
of cerebraI sweIIing.
The x-rays are negative,
the CAT scan is negative...
aIthough he did take
quite a bIow.
What kind of bIow?
Hey, Doc, he was found
facedown on the kitchen fIoor.
What do you think?
WeII, his injuries suggest...
he may have been
picked up, shaken.
He was thrown to the fIoor?
That´s the most IikeIy
scenario for his head trauma.
But he´s gonna be OK, right?
Yeah. He shouId recover.
I want to keep him
a few days, though...
just to make sure there are no
compIications from his injuries.
We need to taIk.