We´d reaIIy Iike to find it.
Jesus. Sonny Bruton.
I´m worried when he finds out
he didn´t kiII Christopher...
he´s gonna try again.
-WeII, just forget about it.
-No. I got to find him.
Addison, you´re not
going anywhere.
Addison, stop!
Your son needs you.
I need him, too.
This is a community
gripped with fear.
Last night, Rebecca TerriII,
the sociaIite wife...
of former district attorney
Addison TerriII...
was found brutaIIy murdered,
and their son was Ieft for dead.
PoIice say they are continuing
to gather evidence...
but that this case
may be reIated...
to one of the cases that
Addison TerriII prosecuted...
as district attorney.