A Killer Within

I´m not Iooking
for any troubIe, aII right?

Soon you won´t be Iooking
for nothing, pendejo.

Come on, papa. Come on.
Give me the fucking money.

That´s it.
Man, you ain´t a cop no more.
And you ain´t no aItar boy.
This ain´t right, man.
He comes to our pIace,
he pays gringo fee.

-Pay him.
-Pay him? For what?

Pay him for not kiIIing you.
-This is extortion.
-It´s street Iaw, shyster.

You want to dance the Macarena,
you got to pay the band.

Let´s go.
I stiII need to get
that address.

Wait a second.
Come on, man.

Just give me the address.
This meeting never happened.

Running a string of bitches
out of the Oasis MoteI...

1 31 3 Ortiz Street.
Put that shit away before I take
it away from you.

Where´s my car?
You got to be kidding me.
Come on, man. Come on.
I´m parked down here.

Where to, 1 31 3 Ortiz Street?
The hospitaI.
You hurt that bad?
I got to go check on my son.
