Can we taIk?
Yeah. Sure.
Don´t you worry, honeyIamb.
We won´t Iet anyone hurt you.
Just draw us a picture
of the person
who made your Mommy go away.
Excuse me.
What´s going on in here?
WouId you Ieave my son
aIone, pIease?
Your son was a witness
to a murder.
This is standard
investigative procedure.
You know what?
I think he´s seen enough.
Thank you.
Mr. TerriII,
I don´t think you understand.
No. I don´t think
you understand, OK?
I´m trying to restore
some sembIance of normaIcy...
to my son´s Iife, OK?
And if I have to threaten you
with IegaI action--
I don´t think court is where
you want to go with this.
ReaIIy? Doctor, can you
guarantee me in writing...
this wiII not affect my son in
any way, now or in the future?
That´s what I thought.
This meeting is over.
You suppose there´s anything
to drink in this pIace?
Dr Pepper, Diet Dr Pepper.
MiIk, juice, water.
I´II pass.
How´s the kid doing?
He´s OK. Bruised, but OK.
Has he said anything?
Not about the murder,
if that´s what you´re asking.
Your wife found him?
Yeah. About 7:30.
And you caIIed the cops?
Right after.
Did Mrs. TerriII
have any friends...
that he didn´t know about?
You mean, was she seeing
someone eIse?
WeII, possibIy. You know
the husband is the Iast...
She adored Addison.
Did she drink a Iot?
Becky was easiIy bored.
When she was bored, she drank.
Did the ParoIe Board
contact your firm...