I felt it more appropriate
to my surroundings.
- Oh.
- Please.
I imagine you're wondering
why you're here.
Forgive Jean-Paul's tactics, Mr. Burdett,
but to put it bluntly, the impoverished
people of this island need your help.
Five years ago, I was
a successful businessman in Detroit.
While vacationing on this island,
I was sitting on the beach
drinking a...
Citron martini.
I don't recall what I was drinking...
it's not important.
But I experienced a revelation...
that I had been brought to this island to
provide the commensurate social services
that were sadly lacking
for the poorer elements of society here.
And you want me to buy a table
at your next fundraiser.
No, Mr. Burdett.
But I am offering you the opportunity
to participate in the vital growth
of my infrastructure.
Uh-huh. How's that?
I want you to steal me that diamond.
I'm not a criminal.
Right. Neither am I.
Then we understand each other.
- Yes.
- Yeah.
Let me show you around, Mr. Burdett.
Do you think it fair
that the indigenous of this island
are not allowed to enter the casinos
unless they work there?
Why is it that only the rich should enjoy
pharmaceutically-assisted moments
of personal introspection?
The safety and security found
in owning your own machine gun.
The pleasures derived
from financially-procured
female companionship.
The underprivileged should not be
denied these essential diversions.
I mean, look around you, Mr. Burdett.
No one is turned away.
All I do, I do for the people.
And why do you need
the diamond for that?
I have an urgent need to expand
my humanitarian program.
A cash injection
in the tens of millions of dollars