Pearls are pretty,
and they're tough.
And pretty tough can do anything.
Remember that.
OK, Uncle Ray.
Hey, Mr. Abel.
- Hey, how are you, sir?
- Good to see you.
- Good morning, Mr. Abel.
- Yeah, beautiful.
Where's my coffee?
Coffee. lt was not a question
the first time l asked for it.
You told me last week,
''absolutely, positively no coffee'',
and l absolutely,
positively believed you.
Tear sheets for tomorrow.
The Telegram bled our ad.
lt's nothing major, but we should
get credit for the next fight.
Memo from finance:
The budget
is officially overdue.
l ran some numbers...
- Did you take care of my bookie?
- l stalled him and your ex-wife.
l also printed out your e-mail,
restocked your bar,
hosed down Mel Harris.
Top drawer, left side, all you
have to do is sign off on them.
You see, that's why
l'm the boss, Kallen.
Because l let you handle
things for me.
Nobody gives me credit,
but if l were you and worked for me,
l would send myself roses.