Against the Ropes

l'm not keeping him.
l'm not keeping Greene.

lt was a thing that became a thing.
LaRocca insulted me.

So what?
Sammy insults everybody.

You're gonna call him, make up,
kiss his ass if you have to.

lf anybody asks
about Greene,

it was a joke, a little parlor trick
that you and Sammy played.

You lost your temper,
you said a few ridiculous things.

You set it right.
lt'll blow over.

Sammy won't think you're trying
to grow a brain on me.

lt wasn't ridiculous, what l said.
And you shouldn't be
drinking that coffee.

Welcome back to the live weekend
edition of the Reese Report.

Fight fan or feminist,
you're going to love this story.

After watching Devon Greene
crawl off the canvas,

fight promoter Sam LaRocca
managed to lose his boxer

and his ego in a round
of verbal sparring

with Coliseum employee
Jackie Kallen.

LaRocca thought he had
Kallen in the corner,

but she outmaneuvered him
and wound up walking away
with Greene's contract.

The price tag? A dollar.
That's platinum stuff.
You couldn't write a check big enough
for the look on LaRocca's face.

lt was priceless,
and l enjoyed it for free.

Renee, it's me. Quick.
Turn on Channel 28.
l'm on TV!

Hey, Sam, do you know what
a coup d'état is? Look it up.

l'm Gavin Reese for the Reese Report.
See you next week.

Girl, what the hell
happened to all his money?

l didn't have a chance to ask.
His phone's disconnected,
so l had to come.
