Against the Ropes

Hey, Felix!
Now, Luther has
something to say to you.

- Luther.
- Hey.

Look, old man, hold up. No disrespect
intended, but what have you done?

Who have you trained? Let's hear
some actual ring experience.

You first.
Was l right or what?
Yeah, he packs a helluva
punch like you said.

Combinations need tightening.
They're all over.

But he's strong, got a great feint,
and he's a southpaw like Hagler.

He could make some noise
in the middleweight division.

All right. Time, boys.
Well, if he can learn
to be a switch hitter,

fight from the right-hand stance
as well as the left,

- he could surprise some people.
- Left, right, whatever.

- lt was all right?
- lt was better than all right.

But you gotta get in shape,
you gotta get in boxing shape, right?

Yeah, your body's strong.
Your mind...

...gonna need
a whole lot of discipline.

Ain't nothing wrong with my mind.
The ring. Get it at 5:00.
Oh, no, l don't get
off of work till 6.

ln the morning.
ls it cheaper?
No. lt's available.
Five o'clock in the morning?
Man, you can forget that.

You gotta leave
some room for sleep.

Haven't you slept enough, son?
ln three years, l pay you 2...
Luther? Listen.

Three years, 250 a week,
then l recoup that amount
from your winnings.

After that, after we
start making a profit,

you take the lion's share,
l get 33 and a third.

What you think, Felix?
You heard what the lawyer said.
She's assuming all the risks.
She's making an investment in you.

Well, she ain't got to worry.
You bring it all on. l'm gonna squash
whatever you send my way.
