Fight somebody that know
how to handle a southpaw,
better be ready to show
him something different.
Now snap out that jab.
Let me see it.
5:00's the best l can do.
l need your locker dues.
- OK, coach.
- Come get it.
You know there's
a powder for that.
Six-thirty is open.
l want a 6:30.
Yeah, and l want a blowjob
every hour on the hour.
ls that why you're acting
like such a dick?
All right, dig it in, that's right,
dig it in. Now jab him out. Jab him.
To the body, to the body,
to the body. Combination.
All right, push him off,
push him off, push off.
Jump right back on him.
Now, Kallen and this amateur monkey
she scraped off the street, Shaw,
you said they were nothing.
- That ain't what l hear.
- lt was, Sam.
He's been training
with Reynolds.
He's been kicking the shit out of
some guys in the gym.
That bitch does not find a fight
in this town, or nowhere near it.
Ever. Make it understood.
Anybody puts Kallen's boy on a card
puts his own ass out of business.
Shaw. Luther Shaw. S-H-A-W.
Just because you never heard
of him, he can't be phenomenal?
No, you can't call me back.
No, it's his manager.
Yeah, l'm a woman. No.
l haven't thought about strapping
one on, mister. Have you?
Well, l think you have a really
nice voice too.
l do.
But l can't cash those compliments
at a bank. l don't need a date.
What l really need
is a fight for my boxer.
Jackie Kallen for Crisco Cohen.
No, he does know who l am.
Did you hear me?
l've known him since we were kids.
How many times do l have
to say this? Are you listening?