And you'll lose your pension, your
benefits, everything l let you work for.
Trust me, Kallen, you don't want
this kind of kaput.
l'd rather have that kind of kaput
than your kind of stupid.
And remember, use your jab.
- Nervous?
- Why l gotta be nervous?
That's good. You're nervous.
Use the energy, Luther.
This guy's all that stands
in your way of the next guy.
You knock him down.
Knock him out.
Oh, gotta get our picture.
OK, fighters only.
And get the three of us in
and make this great.
OK, just this once.
Jab. Jab him. Jab.
Stay on him.
Don't let him tie you up.
- Get rough with him.
- Let him go. Let him go.
All right, stick that jab out there.
Hands up, hands up.
- You threw a punk shot!
- Got him!
One, two, three, four, five, six.
lt's over!
That was beautiful.
That was beautiful.
Nice work on the jab.
Did you see that right hook, Felix?
Did you see that? That was great.
Yeah, he did all right.
Hold on, hold on. One second.
Listen. Whoever it is,
nobody act surprised that we won.
- Come on in.
- Hey.
Hey. Oh, hey, guys,
this is Crisco Cohen.
Oh, hey, my girl's homeboy.
The one that put us on the card.