And this is his crew,
Steven and Nick and Beth.
They're here to observe, not to interact
or interfere, so act natural.
You guys just back up a little bit.
l'll be back.
Get your goddamn hands off of me!
And get them the hell out of here!
OK? Please.
''Please'', shit!
l'll throw them out!
No need to be alarmed or take notes.
He's venting. lt's tactical.
- But we do need the room.
- Everybody out, come on, guys.
They weren't gonna stay.
All they wanted was ten minutes
of your time.
- l don't have that kind of time!
- You could have made it!
Jesus, l do. l work my ass off
to get you everything you want.
No, everything you want!
You still think you own me?
That l owe you?
You do owe me.
Where do you think this world you're
living in came from? lt came from me.
Putting my life on the line,
having faith in you, Luther.
- Giving you faith in yourself.
- You bitch!
l gave your ass a damn chance!
Everything you did for me,
l did the same goddamn thing for you!
That's how you got the world
you're living in.
HBO's in the ring after the fight.
- We are doing that interview.
- No, you do it!
Our shit is permanently disconnected!
You stay away from me! And you
stay the hell away from my corner!
Do you understand that English?
The only English l understand
is in our contract.
You fight for me,
or you don't fight at all.