A weapon?
It looks so sharp.
Let me have it.
Come on, just give it to her.
We've got a three-hour drive.
Come on.
I love you, sweetie.
Take it easy, buddy.
See ya, Alex.
Bye, Cody!
Bye, honey.
I just love the smell
of summer camp in the evening.
We're going in. Over.
Ryan, get up! Come on!
- Get up!
- What is it?
Initiating troop drop.
Good luck, guys.
Preparing for landing.
Standby. Over.
Sir, what's going on?
What do you think?
It's a drill.
I'm puttin' you in charge.
Run the op.
Come on, Banks,
You're in charge.
Run the operation.
What's the enemy's objective?
Let's say I'm the target.
What do you do?
Protect the target at all costs!
Just get me out of here, Banks.
Bender, it's a simulation.
Cool. What's the mission?
Protect Captain Squishy.
We need a plan to hold
these guys off...
until I get him out of here.
Hey, Bender, are you scared?
- No.
- Me, neither.
You're doing good, Banks.
Any sign of Diaz,
Oscar three-zero?