Sir, I really am sorry...
for letting Diaz
get away like that.
What is all this stuff?
Stolen technology, weapons,
obsolete inventions.
Wait a second.
Are you telling me that the CIA
was behind Beanie Babies?
Be careful!
These are no
ordinary Beanie Babies.
Maybe they are ordinary
Beanie Babies. Come on.
So what does Diaz have
to do with all this stuff?
Run program.
Ten months ago,
Victor Diaz was in charge...
of a CIA mind control program...
designed to
help with human learning.
Diaz, however, was more
interested in developing it...
to control people's minds
in a bad way...
and we decided
to abort the program.
Diaz took the decision
pretty bad...
and it looks like he just
struck back at the organization.
Now freeze image.
Diaz just stole
the mind control software.
The global implications
of this theft are enormous...
and our government wants
these disks back in safe hands.
You gotta let me bring him back.
I knew you wouldn't
let me down, Banks.
Be ready to leave by 0600.
What happened to you?
I don't wanna talk about it.
Anyway, listen.
Your mission cover
will involve you...
a summer music academy.
More school?
Just once in my life...
I'd like a mission that
doesn't involve homework.
Wait. Did you say music?
It's a good thing
you play the clarinet.
Yeah. Wait!
I don't play the clarinet.
Your file says you were in
the school band for three years.
I faked playing
the clarinet to meet girls.
You joined the marching band
to meet girls?
Well, you faked it
for three years.
You can handle it
for another couple of weeks.