This place is like Disneyworld,
except for serial killers.
Hey, check it out.
Jack the Ripper? Please.
Freddy Krueger, now that's
what I call a killer.
We're going in there.
Are we on a mission here
or a vacation?
Hey, look here.
All work and no play
makes Jack a very dull boy.
My name's Cody, not Jack.
Aw, Cool.
Oh, no, it's
perfectly all right.
Not to worry,
it was broken already.
Well, I'm afraid
not quite to that extent.
Cody Banks, Neville Trubshaw.
How ya doin'?
He works here.
Actually, it's just a front.
He's one of us.
Hey, Nev, got a goodie bag
for my man here?
Well, let me see.
I think I have a few items
could prove useful.
Yes. A minty-based
breath snack candy...
which doubles as
a small explosive device.
Just lick, stick...
It'll do the trick.
Unfortunately, if you
accidentally eat one...
you'll be sipping
your dinner through a straw...
at the very least.
Pay attention, Banks.
What's that?
It's a standard issue
travel bag?
Or is it?
Oh, cool!