Hey, man, I been waiting up
half the night for you.
Where have you been?
It's hard to get around
without being seen.
Listen, Diaz was just here.
Is that a blanky?
You sleep with a blanky?
It's not a blanky.
It's a handkerchief.
Never mind. I saw Diaz.
We were right.
Kenworth's involved.
And the mind-control thing,
it's definitely a thing.
It works? How do you know?
His dog was playing the piano.
Well, is he any good?
Not bad for a dog, man.
I'm not gonna rush out and buy
the CD, but, you know, hey...
All right, look, I'll get that
info back to headquarters...
and you get you some shut-eye.
You got a rehearsal
in the morning.
Oh, I can't wait.
How's the room
you're staying in?
About the same.
All right.
Blanky. Yeah, right.
You snore.
Justin Timberlake snores.
I do not snore.
Oh, yes, you do.
You're a very strange girl.
Oh, the cook said you would
probably try to skip class.
So I was to make sure
you caught the bus...
and didn't forget
your clarinet.
Thanks, woodwind buddy.
You mind?