Yes, sir.
Johnny Foreigner on my way.
Now listen here,
Yankee Doodle Dandy.
Musical genius
or no musical genius...
we will not tolerate slacking
in this academy.
Are you receiving me
loud and clear?
Yes, sir, receiving you
loud and clear.
And don't answer me back, boy.
You just asked me...
As you say in America.
Now haul some ass
and get to your class...
before I have you expelled.
Summer students.
I'll have them all expelled.
St. Paul's Cathedral, Kumar.
OK, Cody, come in.
1, 2, 1, 2. Testing.
I got it.
OK, Kumar, we're heading to
the east-side security entrance.
I've got you.
Not a bad view, eh?
But it can be improved.
When this is over...
I intend to replace
stuffy, old St. Paul's...
with a statue of myself.
Rather marvelous,
don't you think?
What about you, Victor?
I worked for the CIA
for twenty years.
And when the time came
to reward my efforts...
I was humiliated,
put in charge of children...
and a lesser man was given
my rightful job as Director.