Have you ever drunk foam mixed tea?
- Nope.
I've just made it. Then,
do come here and drink.
Man, I've drank cardamom
tea many a times...
...but, what's this foam tea?
Hey, stop!
Will you break my limbs?
Damn fellow, do you want
to kill me under the bus?
Neither they let to board
the bus properly...
...nor they let to alight
the bus properly!
If we stand, then the
guys gather around.
They make a sandwich out of us.
They don't even give space to
sit. Let me take up a job!
Let alone boarding a bus, I won't
even look at the bus stop.
All the houses are alike over here.
How will I search that one?
- Hello, Mr. Sharma, how do you do?
Mr. Sharma, where have you sent me?
It seems that I'll myself
get lost over here...
...then, how the hell will
I find the house owner.
You haven't reached there yet?
I even gave you the address
to write down.
I didn't write it. I thought there
might be a couple of houses...
...and, I'll easily find it. But,
all the houses in here are similar.
Fine. Listen then.
There's a Sai Baba
temple over there.
That's behind me.
There's this lane right
in front of it...
...and, the moment you
reach there take a...
I got it. I got it.
I'll call you later.
How much?
- 20 rupees.
O saint, I'm going for the
interview for the first time.
I'm confident that I'll be
selected in the interview.
Since, I'm able to see you
before the interview.
I didn't ask him the house number.
- Hello, Mr. Sharma, how do you do?
Now, how will I find it since you
haven't told me the house number?
You don't even listen
to the whole thing.