Priya Saxena. Yes.
We spoke in the morning
on the phone.
What did we speak about?
About the job?
- Job?
Oh, yeah. Yeah.
So, you've come for that job?
Do you know, isn't it, as
to what all you've to do?
Yes, sir. Whatever you say.
- Good.
Make a cup of tea.
What happened? Don't
you know to make tea?
Yes, I do know.
Kitchen is there.
What happened?
Let it be. Do it later.
- Fine.
Do it later.
So, what experience do you've?
What are you talking
about experience?
I'm doing this work
since many a years.
Even my parents used
to do the same thing.
Actually, it's our
family profession.
That means, I don't have
to explain you anything?
Not at all.
By the way, who else
is in your house?
It's just me and this Bunty.
And, your wife and kids?
Actually, I'm still a bachelor.
Very good.
I enjoy working at bachelor's
and lonely men's house.
The women folk just
keep on nagging...
...and I really get pissed off.
- Exactly.
You've made nice tea.
- Thanks a lot.