And only now in old
do I understand who this force of nature really was.
Or do I?
Did such a man as Alexander exist?
Of course not, they idolize him, make him better than he was.
Men, all men reach and fall,
reach and fall.
The east, the vast Persian empire, ruled almost all the known world.
The west, once great greek city states,
Thebes, Athens, Sparta, had fallen from pride.
For a hundred years now, the persian kings had bribed the greeks with their gold,
To fight as mercenaries,
it was Philip, the one eyed, that changed all this.
Uniting tribes of illiterate sheep herders, from the high and low lands,
With his blood and guts, he built a professional army,
Brought the devious greeks to their knees.
He then turned his eye on Persia,
where it was said the new, great King Darius himself,
on his throne in Babylon, feared Philip.
It was from these loins of war, that Alexander was born, in Pella.
Pella Macedonia
Some called his mother, Queen Olympias, a sorceress,
and said that Alexander was the child of Dionysus...
..others, Zeus.