Your right. But I promise you I will beat
you one day, Hephaistion.
It was said later that Alexander was never defeated
except by Hephaistion's thighs.
Although an inferior race,
the persians control at least four
fifths of the known world,
But is it possible, the source of Egypt's mighty river Nile,
could rise in these distance mountains of the outer earth?
If so, an experienced navigator could find his way,
here, by this river east,
down into the great plains of India,
Out into the eastern ocean, and into the world,
and by this route, up the Nile, back to Egypt,
into the middle sea, and home, to Greece.
Now if only these frogs could look outward
and act on their favorite position of the center,
Greece could rule the world.
Why is it master, in myth these lands
you speak of are known?
India, where Heracles, and Dionysus traveled.
All these men who went east: Thesius,
Jason, Achilles...were victorious?
From generation to generation their stories
have been past on. Why?
..unless there was truth to them?
Tales of amazons?
No, Alexander, only common people believe these tales.
..As they believe most anything.
We are here precisely to educate ourselves
against such foolish passions.
But if we are superior to the persians as you say,
why do we not rule them?
It is, it has always been our greek dream to go east.
The east has a way of swallowing men and their dreams.