The only way is to strike. Announce your marriage
to a Macedonian, NOW.
Beget a child of pure blood,
he would be one of them, not mine,
And he would have no choice but to make you king,
..there is still Kynnane.
Eurydice was perfect. If your father,
that pig had not ravaged her first!
Say nothing more of my father!
Do you hear me? Say nothing.
Your right, forgive me,
a mother loves too much.
Who shall I sing to sleep at night anymore?
I wish, I wish we could spend more time together,
like we used to, when you were the sweetest boy.
There's never been time mother,
since I was a child, I have been groomed to be ever the best.
Aaw my poor child, like Achilles,
cursed by your greatness.
Take my strength.
You must never confuse your feelings with your duties, Alexander.
A king must make public gestures for the common people.
I know, but you will be 19 this summer,
and the girls already say you dont like them,
You like Hephaistion more,
I understand it is natural for a young man,
But if you go to Asia with out leaving your successor you risk all.