To Philip and Eurydice, and to their legitimate sons!
You son of a dog, come then!
This is my wedding not some public brawl!
Apologize by Zeus before you dishonor me.
You defend the man who called my mother a
whore and me a bastard!.. and I dishonor you?
Ah! You listen like your mother! Attalus is
my family now, the same as you.
Then choose your relatives more carefully.
Don't expect me to sit here and watch you shame yourself.
You insult me!
I insult you? Am I not fit to lick the ground my mother walks on?
You dog!.. questioning your queen!
Shame? I have nothing to be ashamed of you arrogant brat,
I'll marry the girl if I want,
And I'll have as many sons as I want and there's
nothing you or your harpy mother could do about it!
Why, you drunken man, must you think everything
I do and say comes from my mother?
Because I know her heart, by Hera.
And I see her in your eyes. You come at this throne too much!
Now we all know that she-wolf of
a mother of yours wants me dead!
Well you can both dream, boy!
Come, Philip, this is the wine talking,
leave the boy! It'll wait 'til morning.
No, I command you!
Apologize to your kinsmen.
NO kinsmen to me.