
Do you forget that the man who murdered
my father lies across the valley floor?

Come Alexander, we are still not really sure
if it was Persian gold behind the assassination.

Your father taught you never to surrender
your reason, to your passion.

Now I urge you to regroup!
Fall back to the coast, raise a larger force.
I would.. if I were Parmenion.
but I am Alexander.
And no more than Earth has two Suns will Asia bear two kings.
These are my terms, and if Darius isn't a
coward who hides behind his men,

..then he will come to me tomorrow,
And when he bows down to Greece,
..Alexander'll be merciful.
By Aries' chains he's got balls, Men!
And we'll give the man his due, Parmenion!
..and lads feast tonight, for tomorrow we will dine in Hades.
To whom do you pray?
..a bad omen.
More so for Darius.
I have come to believe that fear of
death drives all men, Hephaistion.

This we didn't learn as school boys.
It is the cause of all our misfortunes.
