I hope the prince is enjoying the spectacle as much as our regent.
He is very tired.
Pausanias, bring the rest of the guard.
Royal guard!..to the arena. MARCH!
No guard your majesty?..with all this crowd?
Greeks all over the place.
Cleitus. Cleitus. My Cleitus.
This man you can always trust Alexander,
Treat him as you would me.
He'll guard your back for you.
Yes father.
My people are guarding today, Cleitus.
Let these Greeks see for themselves
how I can walk through my people,
Then let them call me tyrant!
.. in the main garden AFTER my entry only.
Cleitus, make sure the wine flows steady
all day. I want them to like me.
Weren't you told? I go in alone.
Follow with the main guard,
Go on.
Father it's best I go with you.
You want the world to see you're my successor?
Is that what she wants?
Ah, don't look so hurt all the time, Alexander. Be a man!
You count yourself lucky you were here at all,
today.. after your public display.
By Heracles, by Zeus and by all the gods! Obey me this once!
Have courage father. And go on your way with joy so at each step,
..I may recall your valor.