
Ah now who is exaggerating?
..even if it was the wish of your heart.
That is a lie! He was my father! I loved him!
He was not your father! You owe no blood debt to that man.
You lie and lie and lie,
So many lies you've spun like a sorceress, confusing me.
Look at you, look at you,
:23:26 are everything that he was not.
He was coarse, you are fine.
He was a General, you are a King.
He could not rule himself, and you shall rule the world.
You are so cursed by the gods when you speak like this,
Such thick pride, and no mourning for your husband.
Mourn? Him? What do you know of Philip?
No Alexander, Zeus is your father,
Act like it.
My first act would be to kill you!
You murdered me in my cradle,
You birthed me in a cycle of hate.
Hate you have for those stronger than you,
Hate you have for men!
I taught you my heart, Alexander!
..and by Zeus and Dionysus you grew beautiful,
Damn your sorceress soul!
Your soul is mine, Alexander.
No, no! You have taken from me everything
I've ever loved...and made me YOU!

Stop it! Stop acting like a boy. You're a King. Act like one!
Parmenion is with us for once.
Execute Attalus without delay,
Then confiscate their lands and root out that family forever.
Eurydice? Never. Laugh, you monster, you heart breaker.
How will you live out the year like this?
Have you learned nothing from Philip?
No from you mother.
