I've been coming for 2 weeks.
It's official, you have to reply.
Anyone else live here?
I'm sorry, but you're very rude.
I have to ask you questions,
for the government.
This is incredible.
Think I have time?
She's hiding...
Good, he's not here...
At least I know he's not here.
I've seen what she looks like,
and she's ugly.
Why do they avoid me?
I have to fill out this Census form.
Near Rafah,
a Palestinian was killed.
His task force was stalking
a Tsahal position.
According to our local correspondent,
the Palestinians reported
that Israeli soldiers
killed a 20-year old man
and wounded ten others,
two severely.
According to the Palestinians,
the incident occurred
after youths threw
stones at the Tsahal position.
I often looked for him here.
I don't like him hanging around here.
I told him
I didn't like him coming here.
Is being in the army in Nablus
any safer?
He's still a child.
There are weirdos here...
He's my kid. I don't...