Along Came Polly

- Mazel, mazel.! Good things.
- You know what, the truth is,

l've been waiting for this day
my entire life.

And about four and a half years ago,
l met a real estate agent named
Lisa Kramer,

[ Woman ]
who showed me an apartment,

which l rented
just so she'd go out with me.

l gave him a good price.
Yeah, not good enough.

She's a killer. No, seriously, um--
After about a month of dating,
l knew she was the one.

[ Woman ] Aw.
And l couldn't be happier...

that on this day that l've been
dreaming about for so long,

the woman l'm standing
next to... is you.

[ Lisa Laughing ]
Oh, my goodness.!

l lost my shoe!
Look at this place!

Oh, it's so pretty!
lt's beautiful.

[ Screams ]

How's your bruise?
lt's okay.

You know, it's a little sore.
You know, they really should tell you
if they'rejust gonna let komodo dragons
run loose around the hotel.

Oh! How about this one?
Let's see. ""Recently renovated colonial
in Montclair, three-bedroom.''

Sweetie, remember?
We took a virtual tour of this one
on the lnternet.

lt was perfect,
but just a little pricey.

Oh, right, right. That's right.
lt's probably off the market anyway.
Why do you say that?
'Cause l bought it.
You what?
l bought it!
