Along Came Polly

l just, um--
l was embarrassed, and l...

l guess 'cause l hadn't seen you
for so long and--
Oh, it's so okay.

l understand.
No, l was an idiot.

l should've just told you the truth
right from the start.

Reuben, l'm really-- l'm not upset.
But when did this happen?

Two weeks ago.
Two weeks ago?
Oh, my God!
Are you okay?

Well, it was a pretty big shock.
[ Scoffs ]

l walked in on her, on Lisa,
with, um, a scuba instructor
on the first day of our honeymoon.

They were still wearing their flippers.

[ Chuckles ]

l mean-- Ohh!
[ Beeps ]
Hey, Reuben!
Uh, it's Polly... Prince.

Um, l don't know
if you have any plans tonight,

but if not, you should swing by,
uh, 37 Gansevort Street...

around 9:00
if you can make it.

You know, it's no big deal,
but it could be fun.

So, you know, think about it.
Okay, so, um, l'll see you later...
or not. l mean either way.

And-- Oh, if you do come,
you should wear comfortable shoes.

That is if you come.
But you totally don't have to.

l mean, l might not even be there.
l am so glad that you came.
Yeah. l wore my comfortable shoes
just like you said.

[ Laughs ]
So what are we doing?

Oh, crap.
##[ Salsa ]
This place is a total secret.
lt is the best underground
salsa club in New York.

Yeah, you know,
l'm not really a big dancer.
l don't know--

Oh, come on. You know what?
lt's easier than it looks.

Oh! Oh, okay.
There you go.
Just feel it in your legs.
