l think l might take off.
Are you having a bad time?
No, no, no!
l'm just not into this whole
dirty dancing thing.
What do you mean,
dirty dancing?
l saw that movie. l know that's what
you and that, uh, Spaniard were doing.
Whoa. Wait a minute.
First of all, he's Cuban,
and that wasn't dirty dancing,
that was just salsa.
Okay, it's just l'm just really,
truthfully not the kind of guy...
that's ever gonna be into
these kind of clubs or any--
Okay, Reuben, you know, then tell me,
what kind of guy are ya?
What kind of guy am l?
What do you mean?
Well, up until now, you haven't
exactly been the portrait of honesty,
so just come clean, okay?
Just tell me who you are.
l hate spicy food.
l knew it!
Yeah, l don't like it at all.
l have a mild case of l.B.S. and--
What is that?
lrritable bowel syndrome.
lrritable bowel syndrome.
Oh, God. That's terrible.
Um, what else?
Look, the thing is,
l assess risk for a living,
so l know that l have a .01 3% chance...
of being hit by a car
on my way home,
or a one in 46,000 chance
of falling through a subway grate.
So l try to manage that risk
by avoiding danger...
and having a plan and
knowing what my next move is,
and l guess you don't exactly
live your life that way.
No, l do it--
l do it a little differently.
Yeah, which is great.
But l'm not gonna ever be
a dirty dancer,
and l don't eat food
with my hands,
and l really like you, but l just don't think
this is gonna work out.
l just have to go pee.
##[ Soul ]
[ Water Running ]
Just kidding.!
[ Mock Chuckle ]