Just what were you thinking?
##[ Salsa ]
So l put all the risks and rewards
into the program,
Okay. Right.
which helps me finalize
my recommendations.
""Leland Van Lew. '"
Ooh.! BASE jumping.!
That is supposed to be so much fun.
That should be on the rewards side.
lt's one of the most dangerous activities
a human being can do.
Have you done it?
Have l parachuted off
the top of a building? No.
So how do you know
what it's like?
l don't.
Huh. lnteresting.
Would you like
some more bulgogi?
Yeah, thanks.
l actually like this.
Yeah, it's good.
You do?
[ Vomiting Loudly ]
Now you look like
a pro racquetballer.
How's that shirt fit, all right?
Uh, yeah, it's fine.
You know, l was thinking
maybe we can just sit and talk.
l'm not really
a big raquetball player.
No worries.
We'll just get up a bit of a sweat.
Have a few giggles.
- [ Yelling ]
- [ Screams ]
So l've been running the numbers,
and l gotta say...
things aren't looking
too good from our end.
[ Groans ]
Leland, l mean,
it's not just the BASE jumping.
lt's the heli-skiing,
[ Yells ]
volcano luging, shark diving.
Bottom line is, unless
you drastically alter your lifestyle,
we won't be able to insure you.
Reuben, l came to you
for a reason.
l was told that you had
more imagination...
than any of the other blokes
in the big firms--
that you analyze the man
and not just the numbers.
l guess l was wrong.
Are you trying to manipulate me?
Of course l am.