Along Came Polly

But l wanna hold onto me company.
[ Yells ]

- Oh!
- l'll tell you what.

l'm gonna be in Nantucket
at the end of the month.

You'll come up and be my guest
aboard the 'Roo Shooter.

Aboard the what?
My sailboat.

l'll take you for a bit of a sail,
give you a chance to really get to know me.

And l guarantee you
by the end of the weekend,
you'll know what a safe bet l really am.

Yeah, you know what?
Uh, you're bleeding pretty bad.

Yeah, l think l've swallowed
a tooth or something.

No. Got it.
[ Chuckles ]

Your serve.
##[Jazz ]
So l tell Leland
we can't insure him.

He responds by
inviting me up to Nantucket
for some Death Ray Sailing Challenge.


Oh, we gotta go do that.
l've never been to Nantucket.
You wanna come?

l would-- Well, can-- ls that rude?
ls it all right if l invite myself?

No! That'd be great. Okay, good.
So you're actually gonna
commit to something in advance.

Yeah-- Oh.
Oh, my God.

Okay, yeah, l am.
l think that would be really fun.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

What are you doin'?
l'm-l'm gonna have some nuts.

No. You don't eat mixed nuts
at a bar. Everybody knows that.

What are you talking about?
Okay. Let's say, uh,
conservatively, l don't know,
1 7 people eat these nuts on a given night.

Okay? lf they've been here
for even two weeks,
we're talking about...

238 people who dipped
their dirty hands into that bowl.

Dirty-- Why are their--
Why are their hands dirty?

On average, only one out of
every six people wash their hands
when they go to the bathroom.

[ Gasps ]
Yeah, so when you think you're
innocently eating a little bar snack,

you're actually ingesting potentially
deadly bacteria from about
39 soil-handed strangers.

l mean, people wonder
why they get E. coli poisoning
or salmonella or hepatitis,

when all they gotta do
is look at the snack bowl
at their local watering hole.

l'm not being neurotic.

lt's an absolute hot zone in there.
How could you have eaten those?
l-l-l-l mean,
l made such a compelling argument.

l like to live life on the edge.
Oh. Thank you.
Yeah. You never know.

[ Sighs ]
##[ Salsa ]
