[ Yells ]
Yi, yi, yi, yi, yi, yi, yi!
## [ Ends ]
l don't even know where that
""yi, yi, yi, yi, yi, yi'' thing came from.
lt was just awesome.
[ Polly ]
Holy shit.!
What are you doing here?
l'm back.
Who's this?
Who's this?
This is my girlfriend.
- You have a girlfriend?
- l'm not your girlfriend.
l mean, we'rejust kind of--
Hi, l'm Polly.
[ Polly ]
So, yeah.
You know, you guys probably have
a lot to talk about.
So l'm just gonna go.
No, no, no, no, no.
l don't want you to go.
That's okay. Please. l wanna go.
Bye, Lisa. Nice to meet you.
l don't--
l don't want you to go.
l'm just gonna--
You gotta talk about it.
l'm just gonna go.
[ Scoffs ]
[ Reuben ]
l don't understand.
l mean, l thought--
l thought you were really happy with Claude.
l-l was for a few weeks.
But then all he ever talked about
was scuba diving.
- Really?
- l missed you.
l missed you too, but--
l mean, come on!