Along Came Polly

Vidi kako je sve lijepo!
-Divno! -Oh! -Što?

Kako je tvoja modrica? -Dobro je.
Samo me još malo boli. -Trebali su ti reci
da ti gušteri šetaju okolo. -Da, zaista.

Što kažeš na ovaj?
Daj da vidim.
Nedavno renovirana, u kolonijalnom stilu,
3 sobe...dušo, sjecaš se da smo imali...

...virtualni obilazak ove kuce preko
interneta. Savršena je ali malo tmurna.

[ Lisa Laughing ]
Oh, my goodness.!

l lost my shoe!
Look at this place!

Oh, it's so pretty!
lt's beautiful.

[ Screams ]

How's your bruise?
lt's okay.

You know, it's a little sore.
You know, they really should tell you
if they'rejust gonna let komodo dragons
run loose around the hotel.

Oh! How about this one?
Let's see. ""Recently renovated colonial
in Montclair, three-bedroom.''

Sweetie, remember?
We took a virtual tour of this one
on the lnternet.

lt was perfect,
but just a little pricey.

Oh, right, right. That's right.
lt's probably off the market anyway.
Why do you say that?
'Cause l bought it.
You what?
l bought it!
