It's the newest model
The most expensive
What phone number
would you like?
Let me think...
Oh, this is
already registered
- Really?
- It has caller ID too
- Hello?
- I...
Forgot to tell you
your phone number
I didn't want you to
go to the agency for nothing
I'm at the agency now
By the way
what are you doing tonight?
- Why?
- Actually...
My postcard was read
at another station too...
A movie?
How many radio stations
did you send it to?
Five stations
And how many chose it?
Do things always
work out so well for you?
I got a 3rd prize Lotto ticket
about three times
she's the female lead
but she dies in the end
Is it still interesting
if you know how it ends?
It's too startling
if they die all of a sudden
It's just too sad
The male lead can be sad
but why are you?
And if you know beforehand
will you not be sad?