Inside that bag
was this watch
The watch still
works fine
But the watch's owner is dead
The watch has gone dead too
The sun has risen
The sun is up
but if you keep saying
you don't know anything
I'm going to get real angry
I told you
everything I know
There's something
you don't realize
In this room here
you even have to talk about
things you don't know
In this room
ignorant men
become intellectuals
blind men talk about
things they've seen
and deaf men talk about
things they've heard, got it?
What if they're deaf and dumb?
Damn, the blood pressure!
Let's try this again
So on the day of the murder
the thief entered
your home
and you reassured him
and sent him home
I don't know if he
went home directly
And the thief
left the bag at your home
so you gave him $2000
in return
It wasn't some kind
of trade, it's just...
he was having
a hard time, so...