I was drumming for an idea.
Yeah. I heard.
Jason, sit down. Sit down.
Listen to this:
"And after an arduous
disembowelment procedure...
...the body was hauled off
to a marshy area...
...placed atop a large pyre...
...where it was slowly devoured
by vultures and rodents...
...while the tribe looked on and danced."
-A man dies, he's gotta serve his tribe.
-You don't have a tribe, Henry.
Yes, I do.
You're my tribe.
You and the boy. And Sky there.
Aren't you, Sky?
Keep looking for your funeral idea...
...because your tribe is not dancing
while rodents eat you.
-I want us to go on a trip.
-I know you do, Henry.
Yeah. One last dig. We'll fix up the van.
-What? It's a perfectly good--
-It's not perfectly good.
It's a classic.
There's nothing wrong with that van.
-I'll see you in the morning, all right?
-I may not make it to the morning.
Well, wake me up before you kick so
I can tell you what I really think of you.
-Something's different about my nanny.
-She's a nurse.
Well, whatever she is,
she gave me a woody.
Goddamn it.
Well, I guess that's natural.
Well, of course it's natural. I didn't
say an alligator came out of my ass.
Good night, Henry.
How can you watch this?
They relax me.
In Denmark, we didn't have horror.
Henry asked for your father again.
We should find him.
I don't know how to do that.