Okay. Here we go.
Mrs. Walker. Ravishing. As usual.
Forgive me. An influential man
makes persistent enemies.
She's okay.
My wife says you're a professor.
Are you an artist, too?
Ever hear the expression:
"Those who can't do, teach"?
I hope your appreciation of fine things...
extends beyond art.
This sherry comes
from the region of Seville.
Exquisite bouquet.
I see you like my Samson and Delilah.
I do. I like Rembrandt's version much better.
I like that. Many try to flatter me.
I value honesty.
Deceit, on the other hand...
Take Delilah...
she thinks she's clever, betraying Samson.
Stealing the source of his power.
But Samson had the last laugh.
Delilah ended up
in the temple ruins, crushed...
a pulp of flesh and blood.
Fitting end for a traitor, don't you think?
I do.
I also think that
this is a very good copy, Dimitri.