Banlieue 13

I always work alone and I'm still alive.

I know all the in's and out's here.
I dug one tunnel myself.

So you made good use of your hands.
I know where the bomb is.
Without me you'll never find it.

5 minutes ago you didn't even know about the bomb.
- Your fucking with me?
- Taha built a huge bunker a while ago.

And I know where it is.
- How do you know the bomb will be there?
- He dont keep shit like that in his kitchen.

Here's the deal. I free you
and you do what I say.

How about another way. You shut the fuck up
and pray my sister is alive, then I'll find the bomb.

Take these off.
Our we both end up in jail.

All right.
- This is the cop?
- Dam your observant, I'm impressed.

Shut up. If Taha lets you off
I'll deal with you myself.

Lets move an dont try any weird shit.
The boys are a bit nervous.

- Did you come here to sleep?
- Sorry, just tired.

- Where is he?
- his place.

- Has he eaten?
- He eats all the time.

You've got a job.
Warm up.

With this arsenal,
You could take over Paris.

- Thats the truck used to transport the bomb.
- So it's still here.
