Thats a big jump up.
- K2?
- Let him have it, I pass.
20 million?
Good buy.
For saving 2 million people,
it works out 10 million a head...
...cheaper than "Happy Meal".
- Payment method?
- Transfer.
Before you get confirmation of payment
the bomb will explode.
Jamel, the account number to Bahamas.
- I need to see the bomb?
- Funny, I thought you might.
Only quick.
I didn't come with it's own rocket,
luckily I had a few stored already.
A revamped ex-soviet missile.
Ready to blast off,
destination, well you can figure it out.
So then, cop, you've seen your bomb?
You can commence the money transfer.
Leito, I've learnt from my mistakes.
Now I'm one step ahead.
Put me in touch with Krügera, urgent.