one publisher in the
whole Asian market.
Ok, all right.
Say "stop it"!
What, what? "Stop".
No, look, all I'm saying is that there's
more awareness out there, right?
People are going to fight back!
You know, I mean I think the
world might be getting better
because people like you are
educated into speaking out.
Even the very notion of conservation,
environmental issues,
those weren't even in the vocabulary
until fairly recently,
and now they're becoming a norm,
and eventually might be what's
expected all over the world!
I agree with what you're saying,
but at the same time,
it's dangerous!
An imperialist country can use
that kind of thinking
to justify the economy greed.
You know, human rights...
A particular imperialistic country
you have in mind there, Frenchy?
No, not really
Bon soir!
Bon soir
So, you want to sit over there?
Yeah, this is perfect.
Oh, wow, maybe what I'm saying
is the world might be evolving
the way a person evolves.
Right, I mean... me, for example
Am I getting worse?
Am I improving?
I don't know!
When I was younger...
I was healthier, but I was
racked with insecurity.
Now I'm older, my problems are deeper,
but I'm... more equipped to handle them.
So, what are your problems?
Right now? I don't have any.
I don't. Just...
...damn happy to be here!
Me too.
So, how long have you been in Paris?
I got in last night.
I've done 10 cities in 12 days,
I'm a wreck...
I'm so glad it's over.
I'm tired of being a hugster.
Ques-ce que je vous serve?
What do you want?
A cup of coffee...
Un cafe et un citrone,
s'il vous plait
God, I love this cafe. I wish they
had places like this in the US.
Yeah, I missed cafes when
I was living over there.
I mean, I find a few places
I really liked, but there was...