- And the cops came, eventually.
- Yeah, like 3 hours later.
Yeah, after I had been raped
and killed about 30 times.
No, but... It was a man
and a woman officer,
and I was explaining to them
what I had heard,
when the woman had to run
downstairs to move the police car.
So, I was left alone with the male cop.
And right away, he asked
me if I had a gun...
And I said no,
of course not, I...
And he told me:
"You better think about getting one."
"This is America,
not France". Okay?
And I said to him, you know,
I have no idea how to shoot a gun,
and, I have no interest
in firearms, whatsoever.
And that's when he pulled
out his gun, like this...
and he went:
"On one day... you're gonna have
something like this in your face,
and if you wanna have a long life,
you're gonna have to choose...
between you... alone."
And they left...
And the next morning I called
for an application to get a gun.
Me, with a gun!
I mean, that's really scary...
But then I realized something
was wrong, the way that cop
had pulled out his gun out,
and everything...
So I canceled my demand
for the gun, and...
and I called the police station,
and tried to complain about
that cop's behavior, but...
- What happened with that?
- It was so much paperwork...
and then I got scared,
with my shity student desire.
- Yeah, you thought you'd get deported.
- Yeah, exactly!
So I gave up and I forgot
about the whole thing.
- Well, I guess I never forgotten.
- Obviously... yeah.
But, still, you know...
I really enjoyed being there.
There's a lot of things
I miss about the US
Yeah, like what?
The overall good mood people have there,
Like, you know, even if it
can be bullshit sometimes.
Like "How you doin'?" "Great!"
"How you doin'?" "Great!"
"Have a perfect day!"
I don't know...
Parisians can be so grumpy,
have you noticed?
No, everybody seems pretty happy to me.
- They're not happy...
- They're not happy.
No, they are, I don't know.
Maybe I just meet French men...
They drive me nuts!
What is it? What about them?
Well, they're very nice.
They're great, you know,